PinnedPublished inBootcampCase study: Crafting an Audio-Haptic experience with custom hapticsHow multi-sensory design can enrich user experiences and why it mattersJan 17Jan 17
Lorem Liksom: Norsk fylltekst for deg som designer i FigmaVi har alle brukt Lorem Ipsum, den latinske fyllteksten som har vært en fast følgesvenn i designverdenen i flere tiår. Men for oss som…Jan 27Jan 27
Published inBootcampHaptic Teardown #1 — Volume SliderA quick teardown of the best haptic patterns on iOS. Learn how the haptics can enrich the overall user experience of your app.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
Published inBootcampHaptique: An essential tool for app creatorsIt’s a small but essential app for thirsty product designers and developers who wants to get an overview of what the different haptics feel…Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Published Blog – Product, Design, and TechEarth Hour Hack Day at FINN.noHow we as developers and designers can save the world. Even if it’s only a little bit.Mar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019
Published inBootcampEmbracing my geek nostalgia to the maxBeing a multidisciplinary designer doesn’t necessarily mean that life gets any easier for you. It might land you some good jobs, but your…Dec 13, 20184Dec 13, 20184